Compared to straight electric locomotives diesels save the heavy investment required for overhead wires or third rails . 与架线电力机车相比,柴油机可以节省架线或敷设第三条轨道的巨额投资。
New battery charger for mining electric locomotive 新型矿用电机车蓄电池充电装置
General technical specifications for electric locomotives 电力机车通用技术条件
Technical specification for electric locomotive bogies 电力机车转向架技术条件
Oume railway park ed16 class dc electric locomotive 青梅铁道公园ed16型直流电力机车
An electric locomotive is a locomotive powered by electricity from overhead lines, a third rail or an on-board energy storage device (such as a chemical battery or fuel cell). Electrically propelled locomotives with on-board fuelled prime movers, such as diesel engines or gas turbines, are classed as diesel-electric or gas turbine-electric locomotives because the electric generator/motor combination only serves as a power transmission system.